The fun continued with Erik and Erin! We spent almost a full week together and the whole time was packed with activity. We visited Germany and France, as well as exploring Switzerland. I want to thank them so much for being such great hosts! Erik provided me with an e-bike so that I could keep up with Erin on our daily treks. How was I so lucky?
One weekday Erik was scheduled to take the train to Freiburg, Germany to meet with some folks. Erin and I decided to ride along with him and explore this old historic city while he worked. The German trains are super clean and modern and super quiet. Erik was picked up at the train station. Walking, Erin and I easily found ourselves in the middle of this wonderful cobblestone city. The city was preparing for a wine festival that was beginning that night so there was a bustle of activity. Go to Erin's blog for some really great pictures of Freiburg. I loved the little rivulets that ran down the small streets. Freiburg is considered one of the most bike friendly cities in Germany and you can get a small glimpse of that through the video I took of bicycles parked outside of the train station. And this was just a fraction of all that were there.
One day we decided to drive to Alsace, France to visit their vineyards and lovely landscape. The wine was lovely and we enjoyed a relaxing meal sitting outside a very parisian restaurant.

On a quiet Sunday we drove to Lake Lucerne, Switzerland for some swimming and picnicking. This has got to be one of Switzerland's most beautiful cities. Erin said that it is her favorite. The flowers (and pillars of flowers) were breathtaking as was the loooooonnnng Chapel Bridge. It seemed to go on for ever.

But I have got to say my FAVORITE thing to do while in Switzerland is swimming (floating) down the Rhein followed by a good old fashioned picnic. After a hot ninety degree day, jumping into the icy cold water of the Rhein and floating for a good mile (?), one can't help but be rejuvenated for the rest of the day! Folks walk upstream as far as they desire, take off their clothes and tuck them into a waterproof bag, jump in and proceed to float down the river. When you have had enough, you begin to work your way back to shore, open your bag, dry off, dress and rendezvous with friends. I saw young men in dress suits, apparently on lunch break go through this procedure. When they were done, they stripped down, put their suits back on and went back to work without skipping a beat. So cool! And refreshing! I am so glad that I had a chance to experience this. Thanks again Erin and Erik for a memorable time!