Two of the really nice bonus events that will be taking place in Sweden while we are there are the summer solstice and the marriage of one of Sweden's princesses. In a land that is darkness half the year, the summer solstice is a big event. In doing research we have found several dates that the solstice is celebrated. The official date of the solstice is June 21st and we will be in Darlarna during this time and hope that some rockin' celebrations will be taking place at that time. It is really lucky that Mom, Kris and I have been practicing our solstice dance. This is a picture taken during one of our lessons, can you see Grandma? She's the one in the back kicking up her heels.
The second big event that I mentioned is the marriage of Crown Princess Victoria to Mr. Daniel Westing on June 19th. There will be two weeks of celebrations called LOVE Stockholm.

"The Swedish people seem to have been waiting forever for Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden to say 'yes'. And now she has - to husband-to-be Daniel. The 19th of June 2010 is the big day when Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and Daniel Westling tie the knot.
It's more than 30 years since the last Swedish royal wedding and Swedes have long looked forward to a grand royal bash. Preparations are already underway for the big day in Stockholm, the 700-year-old capital city. The city is sure to be resplendent for this most auspicious of occasions and there will be a huge turnout for the pomp and ceremony.
Crown Princess Victoria was first brought up in the Royal Palace situated in the Old Town (Gamla Stan) area of Stockholm and later at Drottningholm Palace, a UNESCO World Heritage site and the best preserved 18th-century palace in Sweden. Daniel Westling, her beau and Stockholm gym owner, comes fromOckelbo, a small town in the province of Gästrikland."
Source: Visit Sweden
We will be staying in Gamla Stan on our last two days in Stockholm. I am sure we will be able to see the palace and church where the marriage is to take place. Do you think Victoria's train will be as long as Lady Diana's???? Stay tuned!

After Darlarna province where we will tour the Larsson home and plan to visit where Dalahasts are made (Do you think that we will find that they are now made in China?), we will venture north to where the Hammerberg tribe originate.
you have to take so many photos of where the little dalahasts are made! i would LOVE to go there - and i'll be crushed if you find that they are, in fact, made in china.